Flow of control

 A single statement is called a simple statement some examples of simple statements are given below

 int  a = 100;
 s = S + a;
 count ++;

 The compound statement


Selective execution(conditional statements)

In some cases, it is desired that a selected segment of a program be executed on the basis of a test depending upon the state of a particular condition being true or false in C++' if statement' is used for  selective execution of the program

 The if statement

This statement helps us in the selection of 1 out of two alternative courses of actions the general form of "if statement" is given below

 if (expression)


 statement sequence


 Where if is a reserved word expression is a Boolean expression enclosed within a set of Parentheses. These Parentheses are necessary even if there is a single variable in the expression statement sequence is either a simple statement or a block. However, it cannot be declaration

Example of acceptable if statements are:

1-if (A>B) A=B;
2-if (total < 100)
   total = total + val;
   count = count+1;

The if-else statement

 It may be observed from the above examples that the simple if statement does nothing when the expression is false an if-else statement takes care of this aspect

 The general form of this construct is given below

 if (expression)
 statement sequential
 statement sequential

 where if is a reserved word expression is a Boolean expression returned within parentheses statement sequential can be a simple or a compound statement else is a reserved word statement sequential can be an as simple or compound statement

If (x == 100)

cout<<"Equal to 100";


cout<<"\n Not equal to 100";

Example Program:

Write a program that reads a year and determine whether it is a leap year or not.

using namespace std;
int main()
int leapyear;
cout<<"Enter the year"<<endl;
if (leapyear % 4 == 0) && (leapyear % 100 != 0) || (leapyear % 400 == 0)
cout<< leapyear <<"is a leap year"<<endl;
cout<<leapyear<<" is not leap year"<<endl; 