C++ Exercise Questions.
- Write a simple program that can print Hello world on screen.
- Write a program that can take two integers from the user and swap with the help of
third variable.
- Write a program that can take two numbers from the user and show there sum on screen.
- Write a program that can convert temperature into centigrade.
Formula "((temp-32.0)*5.0/9.0)"
- Write a program that can find out ASCII character set
- Write a program that can reverse a given number.
- Write a program that can find the fundamental size of data types
- Write a program that can calculate the given number is an odd number or Even Number.
- Write a program that can calculate the Largest number from a given number.
- Write a program that can calculate the smallest number from a given number.
- Write a program that can calculate grade from given marks.
- Write a program that can calculate the salary of the employee.
- Write a program that can calculate the table of the given number.
- Write a program to check the upper and lower limit of integer
- Write a program that can find out the number which the computer has supposed randomly.
- Write a program that can calculate the result of students' marks given by students.
- write a program that can calculate the electricity bill of consumed units given by the user.
- Write a program that can calculate uppercase letters into lower case and lower case letters into uppercase.
- Write a program that can calculate the age of humans by entering the date of birth.
- Write a program that defines some words against symbols.
- Write a program to check the upper and lower limit of integer
- Write a program that can display pre-increment and post-increment
- Write a program that can find the area and circumference of the circle
- Write a program that can convert temperate in Celsius from Fahrenheit
- Write a program that can find the third angle of the triangle
- Write a program that can convert temperature in Kelvin to Fahrenheit
- Write a program that can find the area of Scalene Triangle
- Write a program that computes quotient and remainder
- Write a program that can compute the total and average of four numbers
- Write a program that can input a single-digit number and print a rectangular
form of 4 columns and 6 rows
Switch cases
- Write a program that can find out given character is vowel or not.
- Write a program that can find out the given number is a roman number.
- Write a program that can convert the dollar into different currencies.
- Write a program to solve Arithmetic operations.
- Write a program to generate random numbers in circles and find out the sum.
- Write a program to select an operation from the list and display its results.
- Write a program to calculate the factorial of the given number.
- Write a program to display the ASCII table on the screen.
- Write a program to find out the day off the given date starting from Jan 2001.
- Write a program to display text in different colors.
- Write a program that can find out the exponent of the given number.
- Write a program that finds out the nth term of its factorial.
- Write a program that can find out the Armstrong numbers from 1-1000.
- Write a program that can display the word SUDAISBINSOHAIL between the screen.
- Write a program that can find out the given number is prime or not.
- Write a program that can display rectangle on-screen.
- Write a program that can display the sum of mathematic series.
- Write a program that can find out the factors of a given number.
- Write a program that can display Alphabetic design on the screen.
- Write a program that can display diamond design on-screen with a star.
- write a program that can display a stopwatch on the screen for 2 minutes.
- Write a program that can display the design of numbers.
- Write a program that can display student results on the screen.
- Write a program that can calculate the area of the room.
- Write a program than can find out the largest number from an array.
- write a program that can convert decimal numbers into binary numbers.
- Write a program to sort a character in ascending using bubble sort.
- Write a program that can search a number from a list by sequential search
- Write a program that can convert small case letter arrays into uppercase letters.
- Write a program that can arrange a hexadecimal number in the puzzle.
- Write a program to sort the numbers by using insertion sort.
- Write a program that can sort numbers by using selection sort.
- Write a program to complete hidden words by using.
- write a program that finds the sum of two matrixes.
- Write a program that can multiply two matrices.
- Write a program that removes the duplicate element of an array
- Write a program that can display the memory address of variables.
- Write a program to access the variable to be pointed.
- Write programs that print the values of the pointer character array.
- Write a program to calculate the square root of functions.
- Write a program that can calculate the prime numbers of the given range.
- Write a program that can find out the rise to the power of a given number by recussion.
- Write a program that can find the largest number from an array.