Freelancing websites are similar to Alibaba or Amazon but on a freelancing website, you can sell your services except for the product. These services are the skills that you have or you can learn from different platforms. The most rated skills nowadays are Graphic designing, web development, and Application development.
The major advantage of freelancing is that you can sell your services according to your time and Place. Now multiple platforms are available for freelancing but only some platforms provide quality services and buyers.
Top 5 Freelancing Websites where you can earn millions of dollars in a year:
1-Up work
Up work is one of the biggest platforms for providing job offers from bid data companies.5 million jobs daily posted in Upwork. Upwork maintain there standard by providing quality freelancers which are the expert on their fields and do their task very efficiently and according to the client.
Fiverr is the second-biggest freelancing website where Freelancer showcases their past projects and built a gig on particular skills. The client searches for his requirements and places his order to that freelancer which fulfills the requirements.
Fiverr is the only platform which offers officially high-quality courses that are based on Technical skills like graphic designing, copywriting, web development, and e.t.c
3-People per hour
People per hour is another exceptional freelancing website with 1.7 million clients and freelancers. It is highly recommended for big businesses because they contain only expert freelances which are expert on their skills.