The data member can be declared as static so that its come to common all instance of the class. In other words, we can say that a static variable is shared among all instantiated of the class.
Four-step for declaration of static data members
- The static variable initialized to zero at the time of execution of the first object of class
- It is shared by all instance of the class
- A static variable can be declared by static keyword
static int number;
- If the declaration of the static member in the private section then it must be declared outside the class before the main function
int class name::number;
Example Program:
Write a class called test static that declare a normal integer variable called indefinite as to its private member. It uses a public function called disp() which declare a static variable called count and display the content of both indefinite and count variable for various instances of the object.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class teststatic { private: int indefinite; public: void disp(int val) { static int count; indefinite=val; count=count+val; cout<<"\nstatic:"<<count<<endl; cout<<"\nindefinite:"<<indefinite; } }; int main() { teststatic obj1,obj2,obj3; cout<<"The object one"<<endl; obj1.disp(1); cout<<"The object two"<<endl; obj1.disp(2); cout<<"The object three"<<endl; obj1.disp(3); }