

Introduction to object oriented programming

C++ object oriented programming

Introduction to object oriented programming

Object-oriented programming provides us to play with objects. Now the question is what are objects? Object-defined as any entity around us.Visible and Nonvisible objects around us through our senses.

Now a closer look at objects around us reveal that there is various type of objects as described below.

  • Objects that operate independently
  • Objects that work in associations with each other
  • Objects that frequently interact with each other
  • Objects that are contained in another object 

Every object has three characters
  1. Identity:   It is the name which is associated with object e.g Dog is associated with animal 
  2. State:     An objects can be  in many states e.g dog is barking
  3. Behaviour What is the ability of objects e.g dog can run, bite, bark and e.t.c

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